{ "Provide feedback": "Provide feedback", "_t": "Wed Oct 23 2019 16:55:14 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)", "Help": "Help", "Terms of Service": "Terms of Service", "Organizations": "Organizations", "My account": "My account", "Loading…": "Loading…", "Cancel": "Cancel", "Ok": "Ok", "{{givenName}} {{familyName}}": "{{givenName}} {{familyName}}", "My Account": "My Account", "Close": "Close", "View my account": "View my account", "Sign out": "Sign out", "Keep your verification methods and security info up to date.": "Keep your verification methods and security info up to date.", "Settings": "Settings", "Set up self-service password reset": "Set up self-service password reset", "Additional security verification": "Additional security verification", "Organization": "Organization", "searchApps": "Search apps...", "Execute search": "Execute search", "Sign out everywhere?": "Sign out everywhere?", "areYouSure?": "Are you sure? This will sign you out of all sessions and all devices. There may be a delay of up to an hour before you are signed out everywhere.", "unexpectedError": "An unexpected error has occurred", "Two-factor verification has been restored on all remembered devices": "Two-factor verification has been restored on all remembered devices", "There was a problem restoring two-factor verification. Please try again.": "There was a problem restoring two-factor verification. Please try again.", "Please ensure that cookies are enabled and sign out to try again": "Please ensure that cookies are enabled and sign out to try again", "noItemsMessage": "This list is empty", "Country/region code": "Country/region code", "Continue": "Continue", "We ran into a problem because your browser does not allow pop-ups. Please allow pop-ups in your browser settings and refresh the page to try again.": "We ran into a problem because your browser does not allow pop-ups. Please allow pop-ups in your browser settings and refresh the page to try again.", "My Sign-Ins": "My Sign-Ins", "Signin": "Signin", "See when and where you’ve signed in and check if anything looks unusual.": "See when and where you’ve signed in and check if anything looks unusual.", "Review recent activity": "Review recent activity", "Administrative Unit Suggestions": "Administrative Unit Suggestions", "Member suggestions": "Member Suggestions", "Your Organizations": "Your Organizations", "noGuestOrganizations": "Your account doesn't belong to any guest organization", "currentOrganization": "This is your current organization", "Loading...": "Loading...", "Error loading header. Refresh the page to try again": "Error loading header. Refresh the page to try again", "My Apps": "My Apps", "My Groups": "My Groups", "View apps": "View apps", "privacyAndCookies": "Privacy & cookies", "leaveNewExperience": "Leave new experience", "Store suggestions": "Store Suggestions", "loadingOrganizations": "Loading Organizations", "organizationListReady": "Organizations list is ready", "Apps": "Apps" }